I want you, all tattooed, I want you bad

I have a couple of Tattoo’s, a treble clef on my lower back and more noticeably i have Katy Perry Lyrics tattooed on my foot and a new addition to my arms last week.

Me, My mum and sister all have “No Regrets, Just Love” on our feet. Why? Because Teenage dream is pop perfection and one of my favorite song’s ever, and because they are beautiful words to live by. 

I Recently added two new Tattoo’s in honor of my two favorite Artists, Katy Perry (duh) and Mac Miller. I have been a huge fan of Mac Miller’s for a while and was devastated by his passing last year, i wanted to get a tattoo of lyrics from my favorite song from the album “Swimming” called “Wings” and it just happened to go perfectly with the next Katy Perry Lyrics i wanted to Ink on me. So With the help of the talented Emma from Fine lines tattoos i added some inspiration to my Arms.

When people ask me what my tattoo means and I explain it’s a Katy Perry Lyric they often look at me weird or call me obsessed. I find this reaction strange, after all, aren’t tattoos, and a persons choice of tattoo artwork one of the most personal and intimate form’s of self expression? so why judge someone for being so passionate about something they love so deeply, something that that has inspired them so much that they want to wear it on their skin proudly for their entire life?

So Ladies this is a celebration of Pop culture/Fan Girl Tattoo’s, I asked people from around the world to show me their tattoo’s and explain why they mean so much to them.

Edi – @itsedibitch

One of my tattoo’s is of lyrics from This Moment by Katy Perry and it says “one day you will find that you just can’t push rewind” and the reason I got it tattooed is because that specific phrase resonated with the lifestyle that I live.
My entire life I heard my mom saying that her only regret in life was not traveling more when she had a chance because it was never a good time economically and she thought she would have time to do it in the future and now she realised that she feels too old to do some of the things she wanted. So I have always put experiences over everything else, anything from money, a job, agirlfriend… anything, because at the end of the day, money comes and goes, I can’t live to work I work so I can live and if it’s true love they’ll travel with you instead of bringing you down. And I’m lucky enough to be able to travel around the world to go to concerts which is my other passion.

Jordan – @JordanEisenbart

I chose this lyric out of “Rise” By Katy Perry because i feel like it’s so inspirational. I always include the line “when fires at my feet again, and the crows are circling, whispering, ‘you’re out of time’…” because it relates to my depression and my rape. even though i was brought to my lowest point in life, i still rose against it and every time i look at this tattoo (which was my first), i think about how if i’m feeling low, and that no matter what, i will still rise above it and come out the other end a better person than i was

Devs – @Devinlovesfood

This is my Paramore inspired tattoo I got about two years ago. They have been my favorite band since middle school for a lot of reasons. Paramore got me through a lot of rough times. My Favorite lyric Is “I believe that there’s hope buried beneath it all.” from the song “let the flames begin”, That lyric just has always meant a lot to me. I guess it reminds me that no matter how bad things may get there is always hope for better days ahead! The reasoning for the tattoo is that I know all members have the three bars tattooed somewhere so I decided to get mine on my ribs and add a little flare to it.

Jacky – @jackelynv2

My friend and I got this tattoo because we both wanted tattoos inspired by the song “Power” and I thought it would be nice if we each got a lyric rather than the word “power”. To me, they look good apart and together. Katy has gotten me through a lot of things in my life. From my insecurities to my fathers death, there’s just so much she’s done for me so I knew I wanted a tattoo inspired by her. I chose Power because I have a problem with letting people hold me back, more specifically myself. So it’s just a reminder from the person who inspires me most to be my best self, and not let anyone lead my life for me. To do the things that scare me if the end result will be good

Logan – Wonkieeye

I first started listening to Mac Miller my freshman year of high school. One of my friends told me about him so I listened to Watching Movies With The Sound Off. The album is dark and rough and met a lot of the emotions. I loved how raw this Mac was. The summer of 2016 I made my best friend who also loved Mac We bonded over music and this made me realize that music is so much more than sound. I was in my lab when I found out he had died. I left and felt so empty it felt like I was losing a friend because he’s someone who shaped my life through his music and the connections I made with other people through it. I chose this design because it combined the logo of swimming and the “I was drowning but now I’m swimming” theme which really stuck with me. I added the words remember because that’s a known logo he has and also one of my favorite songs from him. I added the yin yang because of the themes he had with swimming of light and dark but sometimes the darkness overcomes the light.

Nolan – @knolanperry

I have 2 Katy Perry Inspired Tattoo’s, My First one (also this was my first ever tattoo) I got because Katy has always been there for me, so when I see it I feel like she’s always with me and it reminds me that I do matter. As for my second one I got a week after I met Katy at Witness the tour and it’s a reminder of when I met her for the first time ever, and it’s also a slight nod to series of unfortunate events, as tattooed eyes on ankles is a running theme


“Time goes by, and I can’t control my mind, Don’t know what else to try, but you tell me every time.. Just keep breathin’… ” – Araina Grande

I’ve been dealing with anxiety for many years and this song could not be more meaningful for me, so I decided it had to be with me for the rest of my life.

Jules – @gaytsunamii

I have 6 Stan tattoos in total, but these are two of my Favorites.

Firstly i have the unicorn born this way tattoo, It’s the same one as Lady Gaga has herself. I have loved Gaga since I was 8 and that was back in 2008 when she started out so when I was getting my second tattoo I decided to get one just like hers as I felt closer to her. Gaga has and still dose mean the world to me, I wouldn’t be where/who I am without stanning Lady Gaga.

For the Katy Perry tattoo I had already gotten Witness tattoos and really wanted to get a teenage dream tattoo but nothing was coming mind, until I had someone tell me to get this California Dreams tour design. In the past i have always had people say don’t get anyone’s face tattooed on you! or don’t get your favorite artist tattooed on you and I said heck why not I love this women with every inch of my heart why not get her face tattooed on me?! I also thought it would be cool because like I can now say I have Katy Perry on leg. I’m proud a stan. I’m a katycat and I’m proud to say that

Rebekah – @HummingBirdyxo

Im a huge Taylor Swift fan so my Tattoo is a portion of T Swizzle’s Fearless Quote, I would Honestly have the whole thing tattooed on me if i could… But…

Phoebe – @katysmychampion

This is my “Wide awake” Inspired tattoo. This song by Katy Perry that really helped me when i needed it! it’s my favorite song of hers and i was lucky enough to have her write this tattoo for me when i met and told her how special this song is to me. The 3:41 Above is the running time of the song. This tattoo will always mean the most to me and be my favorite tattoo.

These are the Tattoos of some dedicated people who have had their life changed by music, I think about it almost everyday, Music is magic, it makes people feel something, it makes people connect with one another, It makes people feel safe and to feel like they are a part of something.

So to all you fellow fan girls out there rocking your Stan inspired ink, i salute you!

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